Saturday, September 1, 2012

Presidential Proclamation on Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

As a urologist, I'm in the front line everyday with my patients in the battle against prostate cancer.

Despite the controversy regarding PSA based screening for prostate cancer, the fact remains that prostate cancer is a leading cancer for men as far as incidence and mortality.  This disease is also the cause of much suffering in the world.

I'm pleased to see President Obama issue a proclamation yesterday acknowledging the burden of prostate cancer on American men, their families, and the healthcare system.

I urge my readers to check out this statement and spread the word about September being Prostate Cancer Awareness month.

Here are some suggestions for the month:
  • Attend an educational event in your area about prostate cancer
  • Consider a donation to a prostate cancer related charity
  • Raise money to support prostate cancer research
  • Talk to your doctor about prostate cancer   
  • Talk to a family member or someone you know with prostate cancer and give him your support
If you have any other suggestions to support prostate cancer awareness please drop in a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this, Dr. Yap. I have noticed that PCAM received even less attention this year, than in years past, which is saying a lot. At least, I have seen no mention of it in my area. So, I'm glad that you are doing what you can to raise awareness of this topic.
